Automatic Tank Dewatering


The build up of water levels in hydrocarbon storage tanks is an unfortunate and expensive inevitability, reducing storage capacity and corroding tank interiors. Manually discharging accumulated water results in the loss of some hydrocarbons through the draw-off line, in addition to significant costs and environmental liabilities.

The KAM ATD Automated Tank Dewatering system eliminates the loss of hydrocarbons in the water draw-off line while bringing repeatability, safety, and efficiency to the operation. The probe consists of a solid-body, single antenna specifically designed to discourage the build-up of paraffin or heavy oil on the sensor. The ideal configuration within the tank consists of two probes placed near the sump pit and communicating with a PLC to control a motor operated valve (MOV) on the dewatering line.

As the water empties from the tank, the emulsion layer descends toward the bottom.



When the top ATD probe detects a predetermined increase in oil percentage, it triggers the closing of the MOV on the draw-off line. Water levels will again rise, and when the probe detects 100% water, it will reopen the MOV to begin dewatering. 

The system maintains the minimum amount of water in the tank without releasing any hydrocarbons into the draw-off line.


Should the top probe ever fail to signal the closing of the valve, the bottom probe will trigger an alarm and close the valve the moment it detects any emulsion (oil). In this way, the system maintains backup detection and eliminates the risk of contamination of the draw-off line. 


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