With 1% of full scale accuracy regardless of range, the rugged OWD™ Water Cut Meter is the ideal instrument for monitoring water-in-oil concentrations in a variety of applications from production to pipeline. The OWD™ offers continuous, real-time, water cut data.
Unlike other water-cut meters, the OWD's patented multi-antenna design reads both oil continuous and water continuous modes simultaneously and automatically transitions between the two. Each of the two antennas operates with a microwave frequency ideal for water or oil continuous phase for higher accuracy and repeatability. In essence, it is two instruments operating in parallel with a single microprocessor. The result is measurement over a true 0-100% range with +/-1% accuracy regardless of water content.
The OWD™ also uses internal references to auto calibrate for drift caused by temperature changes of the electronics, and automatically compensates for changes in fluid temperature.
The simplicity of design and quality of engineering employed in the OWD™ Water Cut Meter mean there are no moving parts. The output signal can be sent to Flow Computers, SCADA, PLC’s or to a Central Control Room for logging or display on chart recorders or monitors.
For ranges up to 10% water, the KAM LRW Low Range Watercut meter offers industry-leading accuracy and repeatability with automatic density correction throughout the entire API gravity range.
CLICK HERE for a whitepaper on Water Content Determination in Crude Oil