A New Standard in Custody Transfer

With new standards being established for using BS&W meters for custody transfer, now is the time to start preparing. KAM is working with several partners on trial installations with existing sampling systems, as well as establishing best practices for ongoing use.  If you're interested, please email: sales@Kam.com

What's required. 

A properly conducted test for ongoing use would include an existing automatic sampling system per designed and tested per API 8.2, a BS&W meter, and a manual sample point. KAM is uniquely qualified to manufacture a complete sampling system with a KAM LRW Low Range Watercut, static mixer, and manual sample point all included. The KAM KCS Custody Spool. 

The importance of accuracy

As BS&W is no longer just for alarming high water, or used in production allocation, accuracy is now of paramount importance. The KAM LRW offers industry-leading accuracy at +/-0.03% up to 3% water. Accuracy is further enhanced by AnyDensity™ technology. With a live density input, the LRW can compensate for any change in density. This is increasingly important with loads from the API teens to condensate at a single site. Operators can no longer risk shut downs or inaccuracies associated with varying density values. CLICK HERE to learn more about the KAM LRW Low Range Watercut Meter. 

A complete custody transfer solution

On LACT units and other custody-transfer sites, the KCS is a unique opportunity to use a single mixing source for automatic sample extraction, BS&W, and manual samples. Not only is this a highly efficient design, saving cost and space, it ensures accurate comparisons for testing, calibration and verification that are truly apples to apples. KAM even calculates the proper mixing solution using site-specific data. For more on KAM sampling solutions, CLICK HERE. For more on KAM mixing solutions CLICK HERE.



To contact a KAM representative:
Call: +1 713 784 0000
Email: sales@Kam.com